Cordoba - April 7th. and
8th., 2017
Ricardo Lopez Sensei - 6º Dan

R. Lopez Sensei with Instructors
Diego Borodij and Nicolas Alfonso

In the city of Villa del Dique,  on April 7th. and 8th., 2017,  was performed a new Cordoba Regional Seminar of our Organization.
The chosen place for the event was the Takuan Dojo of Shimbukan Argentina.

For that purpose Professor Ricardo Lopez travel to that city, where also took examination, as always, to those students who were qualified for a higher level.

During those two days of vigorous work out was remarkable the enthusiasm displayed by the participants, transforming this travel in a beautiful experience for all the assistants.
We also remark the presence of Nicolas Alfonso Sensei, in charge of the Omoiyari Dojo of Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. also belonging to Shimbukan Argentina.

Prof. Lopez is very pleased with the event, as well the compromise and responsibility with which the Instructors of this dojos perform his task of diffusion of Aikido

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